GI-ESCR joins conference organized by Oxfam and Al Bawsala to discuss alternatives to austerity in Tunisia EventGI-ESCR21 March 2022Strengthening human rights frameworks
GI-ESCR co-organised an official Side Event at the 66th session of Commission on the Status of Women EventJuliette Wyss21 March 2022Climate change & human rights, Renewable energy & gender justice
GI-ESCR’s activities at the 66th session of the Commission on the Status of Women EventGI-ESCR20 March 2022Women's ESC rights, Renewable energy & gender justice
Global Gathering of International Right to Health Advocates in Brussels: Reverting the Commercialisation of Healthcare Together Event, Institutional engagementRossella De Falco18 March 2022Right to health, Private actors & public services
NEW PUBLICATION: States’ Human Rights Obligations in the Context of Climate Change: Guidance Provided by the UN Human Rights Treaty Bodies (March 2022) PublicationGI-ESCR17 March 2022Strengthening human rights frameworks, Climate change & human rights
GI-ESCR delivered the normative proposal on universal quality public services and fair taxation policy at one of Chile’s Constitutional Convention commission SubmissionGI-ESCR17 March 2022Chile, Private actors & public services
World Bank deals blow to privatisation in education with divestment from profit driven school chain Bridge International Academies Public appealZsuzsanna Nyitray16 March 2022Right to education, Private actors & public services
GI-ESCR participated in conference to share women’s experiences in the defence of the right to a healthy environment EventGI-ESCR14 March 2022Renewable energy & gender justice, Climate change & human rights, Women's ESC rights
GI-ESCR delivers statement at the Human Rights Council StatementJuliette Wyss14 March 2022Strengthening human rights frameworks, Climate change & human rights, Renewable energy & gender justice
GI-ESCR joins 19 organizations calling for the involvement of civil society in the Pandemic Treaty Public appealGI-ESCR11 March 2022Right to health
GI-ESCR Chile team and partners participated this week in the 55th session of a Commission of the Constitutional Convention Public appealGI-ESCR11 March 2022Chile
Launch of video portraying women in the energy transition in Yemen 2nd video of the series “Portraits of a Feminist Energy Transition” EventGI-ESCR8 March 2022Women's ESC rights
GI-ESCR facilitated the organisation of the third annual civil society meeting of the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Update from GenevaJuliette Wyss8 March 2022Strengthening human rights frameworks, CESCR
The Global Manifesto for Public Services inspired normative proposal submitted to the Constitutional Convention in Chile Institutional engagementGI-ESCR6 March 2022Private actors & public services
“Women’s Empowerment for a Sustainable World: Towards a Gender-Just Transition” EventGI-ESCR3 March 2022Women's ESC rights, Renewable energy & gender justice
GI-ESCR launched the report ‘The failure of commercialised healthcare in Nigeria during the COVID-19 pandemic’ with a press conference in Lagos, Nigeria EventGI-ESCR2 March 2022Right to health
New publication! Pathway to Gender Equality: Perspectives on Women’s Property Rights from South Asia PublicationGI-ESCR28 February 2022Women's ESC rights
How To Accelerate: Universal Social Protection, Human Rights – and a Global Fund? EventGI-ESCR22 February 2022Strengthening human rights frameworks
GI-ESCR endorsed the urgent appeal to protect the life and integrity of a Unión Hidalgo's human rights defender (Mexico) Public appealGI-ESCR17 February 2022Climate change & human rights
"Towards the end of profit and commercial practices in education?" - celebrating the 3rd anniversary of the Abidjan Principles EventZsuzsanna Nyitray10 February 2022Abidjan Principles, Right to education