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Webinar on Individual Communications to UN Treaty Bodies

On 1 and 2 December 2021, TB-Net organised two webinars on individual communications to the UN Treaty Bodies (UNTB). As member of TB-Net, a network of 7 international NGOs that works in regular partnership with the UNTBs and their Secretariats, GI-ESCR participated on the panel to report on the 2020 annual review of the individual communications towards the Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR).

Within, GI-ESCR's UNTB Focal Point, Juliette Wyss, presented the case of Rosario Gómez-Limón Pardo v. Spain (for more information on the case, click here) while providing contextual information on the case load of the Committee. This case was the only case decided on its merits in 2020 and falls into line with the current CESCR trend, in which the majority of cases are against Spain and on the right to housing. Moreover, the webinar discussed third party interventions and follow-up procedures. Interventions were followed by in-depth discussions on the treaty bodies.

These two webinars were important to offer civil society organisations an opportunity to learn more about the happenings of the treaty bodies in 2020 and were a great opportunity for GI-ESCR to showcase our expertise with regards to CESCR.