On the need of a human rights based approach to fiscal policies in Latin America

We presented it at the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH) in a thematic hearing we requested.

On 6 March the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (CIDH) held its 186th Session. GI-ESCR, together with organisations from the Initiative of Human Rights Principles in Fiscal Policy, attended in person to raise the need for a human rights based approach to fiscal policies based on regional cooperation and progressivity standards to guarantee economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights (ESCE) in Latin America.

The session took place at the University of California (UCLA), where we were able to present evidence on the centrality of fiscal policy for the guarantee of human rights, recall the fiscal tools that States have to advance the guarantee of ESCE rights, as well as demonstrate the advances that the Inter-American system has made in this area. In particular, we requested the Commission to adopt the following measures:

1. A thematic resolution systematising the relevant development that the Commission has made in connecting fiscal policy and human rights. In this regard, we celebrate REDESCA's commitment to including the development of such a resolution in its work plans.

 2. Actively engage in the forthcoming processes of the UN Tax Convention within the United Nations framework, and in the Fiscal Summit convened by the government of Colombia for July 2023.

3. Continue to mainstream the analysis of fiscal policy within its mandate.

4. Encourage the compliance of States parties with their information duties on financial indicators under the Working Group of the San Salvador Protocol.