Gender Equitable and Socially Inclusive Land Rights: New Joint Submission

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Ahead of the 14 October Day of General Discussion of the United Nations Committee on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (CESCR), GI-ESCR, in partnership with Asia Pacific Forum on Women Law and Development, and Landesa Centre for Women’s Land Rights, has made a joint submission highlighting the importance of secure, gender-equitable and socially inclusive land tenure for addressing the inter-linked crises of inequality and climate change. The report calls on the CESCR to ensure the forthcoming General Comment has the principles of gender equality, climate justice, and social inclusion at its core.

The development of this General Comment comes at a crucial time as land speculation, exploitation, degradation and scarcity are increasing and are undermining  the realisation of human rights for people across the world.  Disproportionately impacted are those living in poverty and those depending on land and natural resources for their livelihoods, culture and way of life, particularly indigenous peoples and local communities. Gender inequality and other intersecting forms of discrimination further compound these impacts, often impoverishing women and undermining their autonomy and independence.

This submission highlights that gender equitable and socially inclusive land tenure security and secure access to productive resources are central to the fulfilment of economic, social and cultural rights, to climate solutions and achievement of the SDGs. It calls on the CESCR to underline States’ human rights obligations to ensure land tenure security and land governance in a manner that is gender-equitable and socially inclusive.

 Read the full joint statement here:

Follow us @GIESCR on Monday, 14 October as we participate in the General Day of Discussion for the CESCR.