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For-profit, Fee-charging Private Schools: Meeting the World Bank’s Goals?

WB event april 2016 Spring meeting

The Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights supports the following event, that will take place in Washington DC on 13th April at 9:00am, on the occasion of the World Bank Spring meeting.

Donor support to for-profit, fee-charging school companies has instigated a global debate. Are these schools reaching the poor, or are they reinforcing school fees, a known barrier for the poor that the international community has worked decades to abolish. The World Bank, and in particular the IFC, has been criticised for recent investments in this area by both local communities and global civil society, raising a fundamental question: Why is the World Bank supporting the expansion of for-profit, fee-charging private schools?


  • IFC Representative (tbc)

  • Sylvia Mbataru (Policy & Legislative Advocacy Program Manager, The Cradle - The Children’s Foundation)

  • Katie Malouf Bous (Education and Health Policy Advisor, Oxfam International)

  • Tony Baker (Education for All Campaign Manager, RESULTS Educational Fund